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Cover za Uhvati film 2024: Na vizualu je napisano: PRAVO NA Međunarodni filmski festival Uhvati film 09-13.oktobar od 18 h u Kulturnom centru novog Sada. Prema datumu je naslikana kamera koja podseća na megafon i ruka koja to drži



25′ Russian Federation/ dir.  Anna Turchaninova

Da li ste znali da je u nekim zemljama bilo zabranjeno koristiti znakovni jezik?
Emotivno rusko ostvarenje “Zabranjeni jezik budućnosti” vodi nas u internat za gluvu i nagluvu decu u Tuli, nedaleko od Moskve. Priča prati nagluvu nastavnicu Juliju koja predaje na nekada zabranjenom znakovnom jeziku.
Otkrijte prošlost i budućnost znakovnog jezika, ali i kako se na znakovnom jeziku recituje Puškin!

Did you know that in some countries it was forbidden to use sign language?
The emotional Russian production “The Forbidden Language of the Future” takes us to a boarding school for deaf and hard of hearing children in Tula, not far from Moscow. The story follows Julia, a hard-of-hearing teacher who teaches in the once-forbidden sign language.
Discover the past and future of sign language, but also how Pushkin is recited in sign language!


11′ Iran/ dir. Rad Pourjabbar

Priču o mladiću i tetovaži donosi nam uzbudljiv i misteriozan film “Sin sunca” iz dalekog Irana. Mladić je odlučio da se tetovira, čime njegov otac nije oduševljen. Da li svi imamo ravnopravno pravo na sopstvene odluke, makar bile i nerazumne?

The story of a young man and a tattoo is brought to us by the exciting and mysterious film “Son of the Sun” from distant Iran.
The young man decided to get a tattoo, which his father was not happy about. Do we all have an equal right to our own decisions, even if they are unreasonable?


21′ Germany/ dir. Leonard Julius Mink

Nemačko ostvarenje “Tremolo” podsetiće vas da muzika često spaja nespojivo!
Dečak. se posle dužeg vremena ponovo sastaje sa svojim ocem muzičarem. Dečak je gluv, a otac ne zna znakovni jezik. Jedan vikend i nekoliko različitih instrumenata dovoljno je da muzika postane njihov zajednički jezik.

The German creation “Tremolo” will remind you that music often brings the incompatible together!
Boy. meets his musician father again after a long time. The boy is deaf and the father does not know sign language. One weekend and several different instruments are enough for music to become their common language.


24′ Indonesia/ dir. Riani Singgih

Upoznajte Mufi u indonezijskom filmu “Prigušeni huk”!
Mufi je ceo svoj život provela prilagođavajući se – da bi se uklopila u svet i porodicu, morala je da nauči da čita sa usana i služi se govornim jezikom. Tek u odraslom dobu ona otkriva svoje pravo da komunicira znakovnim jezikom i snagu muzike.

Meet Mufi in the Indonesian movie “A sonorous melody”!
Muffy has spent her whole life adapting – in order to fit in with the world and her family, she had to learn to read lips and use spoken language. Only in adulthood does she discover her right to communicate in sign language and the power of music.


12′ United Kingdom/ dir. Ted Evans

“Pojačaj bas” – oda radovanju, rejvu i urbanoj muzici!
Višestruko nagrađivani britanski film donosi priču o Troi Lee-ju jednom od najcenjenijih lica svetske DJ scene.
Kao gluva osoba, Troi je posvetio svoju karijeru rušenju barijera o gluvima i time posao prvi čovek koji je stvorio mogućnost gluvima da u muzici koju vole uživaju, ali je i stvaraju i prezentuju podjednako kao i ostali.
Dvadeset godina arhivskih snimaka koncerata i žurki prožeto je intervjuom koji prikazuje Trojevu evoluciju od lokalnog underground rejvera do festivalske zvezde.
Njegove žurke su jedinstvo iskustvo koje je od samog početka predstavljalo živ i dinamičan prostor za gluve, a njegov duboki bas podsetiće gledaoce da je muzika univerzalni jezik koji ne poznaje granice.

“Turn up the bass” – an ode to joy, rave and urban music!
The multiple award-winning British film tells the story of Troy Lee, one of the most respected faces of the world’s DJ scene.
As a deaf person, Troy has dedicated his career to breaking down barriers about the deaf and thus the job of being the first person to create an opportunity for deaf people to enjoy the music they love, but also create and present it just like everyone else.
Twenty years of archival footage of concerts and parties is interspersed with an interview that charts Troy’s evolution from local underground raver to festival star.
His parties are a unified experience that has been a lively and dynamic space for the deaf from the very beginning, and his deep bass will remind viewers that music is a universal language that knows no borders.


*Organizator zadržava pravo izmene programa 

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